
Thursday, March 1, 2012

dear readers the weight loss goal continues
on today's agenda   conquering obesity and no ladies and gentleman it does not have to be hard .even though people make it that way you can lose weight from the comfort of your own home with some help of course but that's not to say you cant lose weight on your own its to say imagine how much you will benefit from a partner holding your hands through the weight loss process  being said that lets get started first of all today is a new day for your goals its planning time step 1 of your planning i want you to go out and buy something that is not even close to your size to wear because in order for you to be slimmer you have to vision yourself slimmer second you will need to set up a schedule for your new weight loss program and by the way the goal is simple the more weight you lose the more you get to reward yourself  and yes you can eat what you want jus as long as you remember to put vegetables and fiber in your diet today's techniques will be as simple as the rest will be you start off your day with a nice size breakfast you will need it to boost your energy first off in order to be that fat burning machine i know you can be you need to put your all into this program first when i give you a workout it does not mean follow it  by the letter it means tailor it to suit you now first we will start off with a nice walk this walk we will start off on a regular pace but i want you to put some pep in your step you need to have your arms swinging and legs moving i need you to walk for 7 minutes at a pace with some enthusiasm as you come in from your walk i want you to reward yourself with a post breakfast snack whatever you want do not worry the key to this program is keeping your metabolism active and you will do just that next  step  when its lunchtime  have the meal of your choice big or small it wont matter just as long as you stay active do not forget fiber and  vegetables here are some techniques to work on first i want you to go to a room where there is enough space to workout okay now i want you to stand up legs 3 feet apart want you to hold your stomach in tight and kick your knees up towards your chest you can do it as slow or as fast as you want remember go at your pace there is no race it is just you versus those love handles that stubborn belly fat that muffin top now what you need to do is hold your knees at your chest for 5-10 seconds i want you to do that for 7 minutes take a water break if you need 1 it is ok okay next i want you to go by your couch or chair and get into a sit down motion but you do not sit unless you can not do this technique in that case you can sit down but you have to raise up and down as if you was not sitting down hold your stomach in tight and up and down up and down you do this also for 7 minutes next you get a mat or blanket place it in a room where you have space to workout and lay on your side  put your hands on your neck and face the opposite side of your legs and lift your leg up and hold it in the air for 5-10 seconds breath in tighten your stomach and breath out legs down continue that technique for 7 minutes as well and when you finish good reward yourself have a snack you did great im proud of you your on the way to your weight goals in a couple of weeks with this dedication you will fit in those new skinny jeans as fast as your online order comes in by dinner time do the same techniques you did for lunch i want your body to get used to being active so you can set your metabolism on autopilot and do not worry i will be posting everyday every step we will make it to those weight loss goals you will be a happy slim healthy individual just keep your dedication.

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