
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dear reader
 if you found my blog today it probably means you have struggled with weight loss or possibly you have tried weight loss programs that failed you or maybe you lost weight but it was only for a short period of time or maybe you just want information about weight loss .
well you came to the right place i myself also struggled with obesity both as a child and as an adult which if your reading this i should not have to tell you the health problems that come along with being obese such as fatigue,high blood pressure,foot pain well i think you get the point that's why i am here we will  lose weight together my goal with this blog is to help those in need with information on weight loss as well as planning for after you have lost the weight for now i would like to know some of your weight loss goals as well as what stopped you from losing weight in the past so you do not repeat some of those same bad habits but i guess that can wait for right now whats more important now is me introducing you to my personal weight loss plan so maybe you can come up with a formula that can best suit you first off do not worry you do not have to throw all you favorite junk food out in fact i encourage it just as long as it is after a meal and we all know in a normal household we usually eat three meals a day i want you to keep that in mind with this new twist breakfast first of course eat whatever you want i would suggest in moderation but its okay if you like a big breakfast as long as after your breakfast you take a 7 minute walk outside weather permitting and after your walk i want you to have a post breakfast snack  after that i would like you to do something i call fighting the bulge what you do is you lay down on your couch or bed and i want you to put your knee on your stomach one at a time squeeze your stomach right knee up hold it five seconds left knee up and hold it for five seconds and remember your squeezing your stomach to get rid of that stubborn bell fat since this is your first time following my instructions i only ask that you do this for 5 minutes see the key is tricking your body into burning fat without having to do anything but there are small steps you have to take to get there and after you take these weight loss steps your body will automatically reach your weight loss goal remember this is just the start of the new slimmer you next is lunch like i said for breakfast i recommend you eat a moderate portion but it is okay if you like a big lunch now after lunch the process is simple what you do is find a comfortable place with the most space all you will need is a mat or a blanket to put down so you do not hurt yourself with this next fat burning techniques i share with you first i want you to lay down on your back and do not worry this technique will not be strenuous i want you to put your hands underneath your buttocks and put your legs straight in the air then i want you to posh your buttocks upward while you hold your legs in the air this to once again help get rid of that stubborn belly fat do it for 7 minutes then i want you to move to a side position  laying on your side put 1 leg up tighten your stomach hold it up 7-10 seconds put your hand on your neck and as you put your leg up turn your neck the opposite way this work your legs as well as your as your upper back repeat with both legs  next sit on the floor knees first  hands in front of you turn to the right as far as you can and hold it for 5 seconds then turn to your left as far as you can  and hold it there for 5 seconds this helps you to get rid of those pesky love handles we so desperately want to lose then next i want you to go by your couch or a really sturdy chair and i want you to gesture as if you are going to sit but do not sit down hold your hands behind you and lift your body weight  up go down and come up if you find it hard at first you may sit down but you must get back up  and continue when you come up hold your body up 5 seconds tighten your stomach then go back down each technique i want you to take 7 minutes with then reward yourself with a snack this techniques you just learned is to shape and firm the buttocks its great for losing weight around the thighs it strengthens your legs as well as your upper body for dinner same routine moderate portion but of course you may have as much as  you like try to add a vegetable as well as fiber to your meal as it will only help you reach your goal weight faster then repeat the same technique's you used during lunchtime then have a snack and congratulations you made it through day 1 and now the road to a healthy and slimmer you begins

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