
Friday, March 2, 2012

Welcome back today just like the last couple of days we have been discussing weight loss and how you to can achieve it even if you just wanna lose 5 pounds in as short as a week i to myself gained weight because i spent time in the hospital for my heart so they were giving me many different medications which me gain weight enormously about 25 pounds to be exact so we are all in the same boat today i want you to look at your weight loss differently then i told you in previous posts reason being i want you to not only lose weight i want you to keep the weight off so first let's talk about the mental aspect of it why are you either gaining weight? or why are you not losing weight ?usually people tell me they are gaining weight because they have cravings for
 potato chips ice cream pizza Chinese take out  any of these sound familiar ?they probably do sound familiar but they are not the main factor  that contributes to your weight gain. they just play a role behind other major factors which are stress, anger ,depression  lack of activity which i a m sorry to say stop your metabolism dead in its tracks so what i want you to focus on today is think think therefore i am think as if you are slim look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself im losing weight already because the true first step of weight loss is state of mind then from there you can start to shape and mold your body where you truly want it to be i know this for a fact and if you follow this method as well you will to besides that what else do you have to lose i am sure you have tried other weight loss programs before with momentary results what im teaching and trying to explain is these techniques are for the long haul of weight loss because just like many illnesses obesity can flare up again and again so you have to treat it like you would treat a disease and the prescription i would prescribe is believe you can achieve your goals do not be afraid to start your own regimen of workout after all you know your body better then anyone else. do not be afraid to ask others with the same struggles of weight loss as you what works for them? that why i created my blog for people to reach out be a community learn from each other and together we will lose all the weight we have ever dreamed of losing join me in this journey to lose weight and be physically fit because i know together the sky is the limit for our weight loss goals

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